Jennifer's WWI: Life in a Trench Site


Trench (n.) : A long narrow ditch embanked with its own soil and used for concealment and protection in warfare.
1. Communication Trench: These trenches were specifically dug out at an angle to face the enemy. Their use was to transport: men, supplies, and food.
3. Underground Bunker: Used for better protection  than being outside in the trench. There usually were machine guns or mortars. The back of the bunker usually served as a commanding post, storage, and field hospitals for the wounded.
5. Wire Break: The wires had to be broken to get through to the enemy.
7. Trench Block: An obstacle placed in the trench to hinder the raids and attacks of the enemy.
2. Machine Gun Nest: The main idea of a machine gun nest is to deliver the fire power where you want it and to be hard to take over. They're usually well covered and difficult to destroy.
4. Traverse: The trenches were dug in zig-zag form so the enemy couldn't shoot straight. A traverse was a protective wall.
6: Listening Post: A shallow, narrow, somewhat disguished position in advance of the front trench line. These posts were used to monitor any enemy activity, and to gather any information heard.